Feb 3, 2020 | Community, Home Maintenance, Homeowners, Safe & Healthy Home
One of the most important things you can do as a homeowner is to learn how to prevent termites at home. Termite damage is costly and rarely covered by homeowners insurance. Let’s look at ways to effectively keep a termite infestation from happening in your home. Trim...
Dec 4, 2019 | Community, Homeowners, Safe & Healthy Home, Seasonal
Everybody wants to enjoy a safe and happy holiday season. As you decorate with string lights, candles, and greenery, you could be putting your family and home at risk. Here are some safety tips for holiday decorating to prevent injury and accidents while you are...
Nov 4, 2019 | Community, Home Maintenance, Homeowners, Safe & Healthy Home, Seasonal
With winter approaching, there are some tasks to put on your to-do list to get your home ready. While you service your HVAC and clean your gutters, you may not think about your fireplace until you want to use it. Prepare your fireplace for winter by completing these...
Sep 3, 2019 | Community, Homeowners, Safe & Healthy Home
The best fire safety tips for the home prevent house fires. By following best practices for kitchen use, candles, fireplaces, and electrical appliances, homeowners can reduce the likelihood of a fire. Additionally, smoke alarms alert people in the home to fire danger....
Aug 2, 2019 | Community, Home Inspection, Home Maintenance, Homeowners, Safe & Healthy Home
Ants are a pesky problem when they are inside your home. If you notice one or two ants, there is usually a whole colony somewhere nearby. Here are six easy steps for ridding your home of ants. 1. Find the Source of the Problem The first step in ridding your home of...
Jul 5, 2019 | Community, Home Inspection, Home Maintenance, Homeowners, Safe & Healthy Home
If you’re thinking of selling your house or just want to make some improvements, consider focusing on these tasks that add value to your home. Complete these projects to get the best return on your investment when you sell. Add Value to Your Home with These 4 Projects...
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