Feb 22, 2023 | Community, Homeowners
In the modern world, new and innovative home technology is rapidly changing how we live. From AI-powered voice assistants to automated home security systems, today’s homeowners have access to an array of cutting-edge tools that make life easier and more...
Jan 25, 2023 | Home Maintenance, Homeowners
Saving energy at home is critical to help conserve resources and reduce your monthly bills. Limiting your energy consumption can significantly affect the environment and your wallet. From changing how you use appliances and electronics to improving insulation and...
Dec 27, 2022 | Community, Home Inspection, Homeowners
If you’ve recently purchased a new home, you are probably concerned about protecting your investment. One way to do this is with an 11th-month warranty inspection. This inspection will identify any problems that may arise during the first year in your new home. Here...
Nov 28, 2022 | Community, Homeowners
Smoke detectors are essential safety devices for your home. They alert your family to smoke and fire, and they can save lives. Most homes have at least one smoke detector, but ideally, these devices should be installed throughout your house. If a fire occurs in one...
Oct 26, 2022 | Community, Home Maintenance, Homeowners
Leaks in the basement can go undetected, leading to severe water damage before anyone notices a problem. The basement of a home is visited less frequently than other areas of the house. To keep your home safe and protect your investment, here are a few helpful tips to...
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